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亞太區BME-IDEA生醫創新成果紀錄展 2023 BME-IDEA APAC

讓世界看見台灣 北醫成功連續主辦BME-IDEA APAC

Show Taiwan to the world: TMU Successfully Hosting 2023 BME-IDEA APAC

BME IDEA(Biomedical Engineering Innovation, Design, and Entrepreneurship Alliance)緣起於美國史丹佛大學,2003年BME IDEA會議首度在舊金山舉辦,迄今聯盟會員橫跨五大洲超過30國、200所大學。

臺北醫學大學2021年成功爭取與澳洲Biodesign合辦這項亞太區指標性的創新醫療活動,今年「BME-IDEA APAC 2023」重新回到台灣,邀請來自美國、澳洲、日本、新加坡、印度、以色列、丹麥和台灣等八國Biodesign代表分享各地的醫療創新推廣計畫,相互交流與學習,並討論如何培養團隊和培育下一代創新者,也偕同北聯大系統各校新創團隊與國際共同交流,讓台灣在地團隊接軌國際。


BME IDEA (Biomedical Engineering Innovation, Design, and Entrepreneurship Alliance) originated from Stanford University in the United States. The first BME IDEA conference was held in San Francisco in 2003. To date, the alliance has members spanning across five continents, with over 30 countries and 200 universities.

In 2021, Taipei Medical University successfully collaborated with Biodesign Australia to organize this significant innovative medical event in the Asia-Pacific region. This year, "2023 BME-IDEA APAC" has returned to Taiwan. During the annual meeting, TMU Biodesign Center invited representatives from Stanford Biodesign, Biodesign Australia, Japan Biodesign, Singapore Biodesign, School of International Biodesign, Biodesign Israel, and Denmark BioMedical Design to promote international collaboration in biomedical innovation. They shared their medical innovation promotion plans and discussed how to nurture teams and cultivate the next generation of innovators. We also invite innovative teams from University System of Taipei to communicate with the international community, allowing local teams in Taiwan to connect with the international community.

This aims to accelerate the development of biomedical innovation technologies and provide advice for policy support through the Biodesign platform, shaping healthcare environments more aligned with future needs in the Asia-Pacific region and globally. Through such exchanges, they anticipate achieving the goal of promoting healthcare innovation collaboration in the Asia-Pacific region, positioning Taiwan as a hub in the Asia-Pacific region.

成果影片 Showreel

1-參與BIO Asia Taiwan創新論壇 Participating in the BIO Asia Taiwan Forum

2-各國代表共同探討亞太新創政策 Representatives from various countries discussing Asia-Pacific innovation policies

3-BME IDEA APAC 2023國際研討會 BME APAC 2023

4-北聯大四校企業論壇 Business Forum of University System of Taipei

5-參與加速器Demo Day Participating in the TMU BioMed Accelerator Demo Day

6-2024行動方案擬定 2024 action plan drawn up




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