誠摯邀請您參加2023 BME IDEA APAC年會!
活動主題: Reconnect with the World for the Future of MedTech
活動日期: 2023年7月29日至31日
活動地點: 臺北醫學大學 信義校區
榮幸邀請到史丹佛大學Biodesign創辦人Josh Makower以及各國Biodesign代表,與我們一同探索醫療科技的未來。
特別優惠!北醫體系教職員與學生免費,報名時請選擇[TMU Pass(一日半券)]。
非北醫體系報名請選擇 [General Pass(一日半券)]方案。
We cordially invite you to participate in the 2023 BME IDEA APAC Annual Conference!
Event Theme: Reconnect with the World for the Future of MedTech
Date: July 29-31, 2023
Location: Taipei Medical University
We are honored to have Josh Makower, the founder of Stanford Biodesign, and Biodesign representatives from various countries joining us to explore the future of medical technology.
The conference will focus on global and domestic trends in the biomedical industry, innovative educational achievements, and cross-industry collaborations with the ICT sector. Through speeches and discussions, we aim to explore design concepts for academic research, startups, and clinical needs.
This is an important event, and we sincerely invite professionals from all walks of life to actively participate, engage in deep exchanges with international experts and companies, and explore more collaboration opportunities.
Free for TMU students and staff! Choose the [TMU Pass] package for registration.
The others please choose the [General Pass] package for registration.
Register now: https://www.accupass.com/event/2303310856371263691132
Official Site: https://bmeideaapactmu2023.com/index.html